Rhizoma: Ένα Ελληνικό brand που κάνει υπερήφανο το βιολογικό  ελαιόλαδο σε όλον τον κόσμο!

Το ανακάλυψα, με ενθουσίασε τόσο για την γεύση του όσο για την αισθητική προσέγγιση που προωθεί αυτή την Ελληνική ετικέτα σε όλον τον κόσμο, το έβαλα σπίτι μου, το δοκίμασε η οικογένεια μου, και πλέον ναι, όλα όσα θα μαγειρεύουμε εδώ παρέα, θα τα φτιάχνουμε με το …Rhizoma!
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To Rhizoma Olive Farms είναι ένα μέρος μιας καινοτόμου εταιρίας βασισμένης στην εξειδικευμένη γνώση του ιδρυτή της, του βιολόγου Δρ. Τάσου Ανέστη.
Με την συσσωρευμένη σοφία τριών γενιών καλλιέργειας, παραγωγής και ελαιοποίησης και σε συνδιασμό με την αφοσίωση και την πίστη στο προϊόν που μπορείτε να γευτείτε, η οικογένεια Ανέστη παράγει ένα μοναδικό έξτρα παρθένο, βιολογικό ελαιόλαδο, με το υπέροχο όνομα Rhizoma.

With the wisdom of three generations of olive oil production, along with a dedication and belief in the product you can taste, we have produced an exceptional extra virgin olive oil. Our traditional wisdom, coupled with the latest innovations and best practice in organic extra virgin olive oil production is based on scientific research from all over the world. Our commitment to the best cultivation and manufacturing practices means we can be sure of a superior product. Together with our dedication to high quality, Rhizoma also promotes the Mediterranean diet and champions’ sustainable development. We follow traditional methods and procedures from days gone by, always seeking to implement them in a more efficient and agronomically-friendly manner.

With the wisdom of three generations of olive oil production, along with a dedication and belief in the product you can taste, we have produced an exceptional extra virgin olive oil. Our traditional wisdom, coupled with the latest innovations and best practice in organic extra virgin olive oil production is based on scientific research from all over the world.
Our commitment to the best cultivation and manufacturing practices means we can be sure of a superior product.
Together with our dedication to high quality, Rhizoma also promotes the Mediterranean diet and champions’ sustainable development. We follow traditional methods and procedures from days gone by, always seeking to implement them in a more efficient and agronomically-friendly manner.

Η Προστατευόμενη Ονομασία Προέλευση (ΠΟΠ Κρανιδίου Αργολίδας) αποδυκνύει ότι η παραδοσιακή μέθοδος καλλιέργειας σε συνδιασμό με τις τελευταίες καινοτόμες τεχνικές ελαιοποίησης μπορεί να παράξει ένα μοναδικό, ισσοροπημένο οργανοληπτικά προϊόν όπως είναι το Rhizoma.

Η αφοσίωση όλης της ομάδας του Rhizoma στις περιβαλλοντικά φιλικότερες συνθήκες καλλιέργειας και παραγωγής σημαίνει στην πράξη ότι μπορούν να είναι σίγουροι για την δημιουργία ενός αυθεντικού και συνάμα ποιοτικού ελαιολάδου κάθε συγκομηδιτική χρονιά.

Argolis has garnered worldwide fame as a highly productive olive oil region thanks to its extremely favourable climatic and territorial conditions. It’s thanks to these conditions that olive growing is so important here. Our region has all the hallmarks of a sub-tropical semi-arid Mediterranean climate: the average annual temperature is 18.5 ⁰C, with long warm summers and temperate winters.

Argolis has garnered worldwide fame as a highly productive olive oil region thanks to its extremely favourable climatic and territorial conditions. It’s thanks to these conditions that olive growing is so important here. Our region has all the hallmarks of a sub-tropical semi-arid Mediterranean climate: the average annual temperature is 18.5 ⁰C, with long warm summers and temperate winters.

Ταυτόχρονα με την αφοσίωση των παραγωγών στην ποιότητα του Rhizoma προωθούν την Μεσογειακή δίαιτα, που πρωτοστατεί και στην αειφορική διαχείρηση. Ακολουθούν τις παραδοσιακές μεθόδους και διαδικασίες εδώ και δεκαετίες, ενώ έχουν πελάτες που εμπιστεύονται το λάδι της οικογένειας τους εδώ και δεκαετίες… Εμπιστεύονται το Rhizoma γιατί γνωρίζουν ότι ζητούμενο είναι πάντα η εφαρμογή των πιο κατάλληλων γεωπονικών τεχνικών ώστε το Rhizoma να είναι πάντα στα στάνταρντ που ορίζει η ιστορία του.

The landscape is pleasant, neither too green nor too dry for most of the year, more smooth than steep. The wide valleys form a mosaic of blonde wheat fields and silver-leafed olive orchards between limestone mountain ridges. The houses in our region cluster in small villages up in the slopes of the numerous hills, in contrast to Northern Europe or even the USA where each farmhouse is built in the centre of its land, some distance from the next farm. In modern Greece, relatively small properties are the norm due to successive fragmentation for dowry.

The landscape is pleasant, neither too green nor too dry for most of the year, more smooth than steep. The wide valleys form a mosaic of blonde wheat fields and silver-leafed olive orchards between limestone mountain ridges. The houses in our region cluster in small villages up in the slopes of the numerous hills, in contrast to Northern Europe or even the USA where each farmhouse is built in the centre of its land, some distance from the next farm. In modern Greece, relatively small properties are the norm due to successive fragmentation for dowry.

Η ΝΑ Αργολίδα έχει κερδίσει παγκόσμια αναγνωρισιμότητα σαν μια ελαιοπαραγωγική περιοχή σε μεγάλο βαθμό λόγω των ιδανικών κλιματολογικών συνθηκών που κυριαρχούν. Είναι λόγω αυτών των συνθηκών που η ελαιοκαλλιέργεια στην περιοχή είναι τόσο σημαντική. Το Κρανίδι, έχει όλα τα στοιχεία μιας υποτροπικής, άνυδρης μεσογειακής έκτασης με μέση ετήσια θερμοκρασία 18.5 βαθμούς Κελσίου με μακριά θερμά καλοκαίρια, και ηπειρωτικούς χειμώνες.

Αν και οι ελιές στο Rhizoma έχουν προσαρμοστεί σε μεγάλο βαθμό στις ιδιαίτερες γεωομορφολογικές συνθήκες της περιοχής, το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό του ελαιώνα εξασφαλίζει σε καθημερινή βάση ότι οι χημικές και φυσικές παράμετροι, πολύ σημαντικοί για την παραγωγή ποιοτικών αγροτικών προϊόντων, παραμένουν στα επιθυμητά όρια ώστε το Rhizoma να διατηρεί την μοναδική του γεύση που τονίζει τόσο την ιδιαιτερότητα της περιοχής όσο και την ταυτότητα του παραγωγού του.

The packaging of our product is designed a minimal and elegant way, truthful to our philosophy of reducing our carbon finger-print as much as possible. All materials used are recyclable. Our box packaging eliminates the photo-degradation of the olive protecting it from harmful sunlight. Additionally, care has been taken to safely packaging by the addition of a cardboard locker in the box that stabilizes the bottle in its box and an extra hard paper insole bottom. A practical, award winning, T-mix verso cup for controlled flow specifically made for Rhizoma is also included.

The packaging of our product is designed a minimal and elegant way, truthful to our philosophy of reducing our carbon finger-print as much as possible. All materials used are recyclable.
Our box packaging eliminates the photo-degradation of the olive protecting it from harmful sunlight. Additionally, care has been taken to safely packaging by the addition of a cardboard locker in the box that stabilizes the bottle in its box and an extra hard paper insole bottom.
A practical, award winning, T-mix verso cup for controlled flow specifically made for Rhizoma is also included.

It’s good to know:

The Product: Rhizoma is a premium quality, filtered organic olive oil.
Our oil is obtained entirely from hand-picked fresh green olives and produced exclusively by mechanical means. During production, care is taken so that temperature never exceeds 27⁰ C. Malaxing (or stirring) time is always below 40 minutes to minimise oxidation and ensure maximum polyphenol content. Members of our team have been systematically studying olive growing and oil-making with agronomists and oil experts from around the world for the past decade.

An intense limpid golden yellow colour with light green hues is the most recognisable visual characteristic of our oil. Its aroma is ample and rotund, rich in notes of fruity hints. Its taste is elegant and strong with notes of artichoke and medicinal herbs, especially thyme and freshly cut grass.

It is ideal on bean appetisers, salmon carpaccio, tomato salads, marinated or roasted fish, mushroom soups, mussel risotto, stewed cuttlefish, baked poultry or lamb, goat’s cheese, chickpea salads, mussels au gratin, couscous and barley purée amongst others.

The typical oval-shaped ‘Manaki’ olives are known for their tender and satisfying flavour and their classification as one of the oldest varieties in Greece. Several hundred of the trees in our olive orchards are at least a few hundred years old, reliably offering a bountiful crop of olives year upon year.


The Concept: Our oil is produced under the strictest quality control during cultivation, harvesting, and oil making. We also pay close attention to our carbon footprint and water conservation. Our business is always informed by the voices of our ancestors, calling us on to new and better ways of doing things.

This is why we try to look 20–30 years into the future, starting projects that we hope our children and grandchildren will continue. Our modus operandi in farming is ‘continuous trial and error’ until our standards of quality are met; solemn, wise and rich just like our precious oil.

As producers we aim to take our client by the hand out into our olive orchards, reassuring them of the goodness of the land and the excellence of our product. We, the producers of Rhizoma olive oil, like pioneers in other fields, have strong, independent personalities exactly like our unique flavours of our olive.

Stay tuned…xxx

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